For the sisters before you leave your home

For the sisters before you leave your home: A checklist of ten ✔ 

1 – The Hijaab (covering).
2 – Her refraining from applying perfume.
3 – The moderation of her pace such that the sounds of her shoes are not heard. Allah the Exalted says:“And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they conceal of their adornment…”[an-Noor (24):31] We have also been tried in modern times with the high heels. Thus, you find that the woman who wears them and makes a sound with her shoes. Perhaps she even becomes flirtatious in her walking.How truthful was the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) when he said: “The woman is private (‘Awrah), so when she leaves (her home) Satan beautifies her.”
4 – If she is walking with a female companion in the presence of men, then she should not talk to her companion. This does not mean that the voice of the woman is from her private parts (‘Awrah) which cannot be revealed; but rather the men’s hearing of the woman’s voice could lead to temptation.
5 – That she seeks the permission of her husband (before leaving) if she is married.
6 – If the distance she intends to go to is considered the distance covered when traveling, then she should not leave except with someone who is a lawful-relative (Mahaaram) of hers.
7 – That she does not mix with men.
8 – That she observes modesty.
9 – That she lowers her gaze.
10 – That she does not remove her garments in other than her own home if she intended by this uncovering herself. For indeed it has come to us by way of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:“Any woman who removes her clothing in other than the home of her husband has indeed removed the covering which had been between her and her Lord.”[This narration is Saheeh]

Source:Naseehaa lin-Nisaa’ (My Advice to the Women) by Umm ‘ Abdillaah al-Waadi’iyyah, pg. 146-147

(She is the daughter of our esteemed and beloved Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi’ee رحمه الله.)


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