What is MIZAN ? ( Scale of deeds and wisdom)

What is MIZAN (SCALE)?

Mizan literally means a device used for weighing something, weighing device, scale. In Islamic terms, it is a spiritual scale which will be used to weigh one’s good deeds and sins in the Hereafter. Mizan is not a device that just weighs materials. There are also devices for measuring hotness, coldness and speed. Besides being used to weigh materials and some symptoms, Mizan is also used allegorically in law to weigh badness and goodness. Such as scale of law, scale of goodness, scale of truth, scale of reasoning…

Allah the Most Glorious stated in the Quran about scales of different types of measurement as in the following: “And the sky He has uplifted; and He has set the measure so that you do not exceed the measure; but observe the measure strictly, nor fall short thereof.” (ar-Rahman, 55/7–9).

How will our deeds be weighed on Mizan?

Human beings can rise to the highest rank and fall to the lowest level amongst all beings because of their inclination to both good and evil. Of course, it is necessary to keep records of the deeds of human beings who are created with such nature. Allah’s memory which saves everything requires the recoding of all deeds and acts. It is an obligation to weigh those recorded deeds and to give rewards or punishments to owners of those deeds.

The verse pointing out to this reality is as follows:

“The scale that day will be true (to a nicety): those whose scale (of good) will be heavy, will prosper. Those, whose scale will be light, will find their souls in perdition, for that they wrongfully treated Our signs.”

The verse which is translated as “God is never unjust in the least degree” points out that Allah’s justice will emerge with its all greatness during the weighing of deeds and puts this reality into words.

In this sense, when Allah weighs people’s deeds, declaring the decision whether the deeds are good or bad, He will do it according to the weight of them. In “Flashes”, the statement that Allah will weigh people’s deeds with His great Mizan in the resurrection day and decide whether goodness is victorious over badness or vice versa depends on the verse above.

It is clearly indicated in our all books about Faith that the issue of weighing deed on the Day of Judgment is real. Besides, it is impossible for us to perceive the essence of this scale with our earthly measures. However, it is sure that Allah will accomplish the weighing of all people’s deeds in a short time and reveal their goodness and badness.

Muhammad Ali as-Sabuni says the following regarding the issue: “It is not an illogical issue to weigh deeds, good deeds and sins concretely. Contemporary science is able to measure temperature, winds and rains; so how could Allah, who has the infinite might, be unable to measure people’s deeds?”

In spite of this, it is impossible for us to say a certain thing about how deeds will be weighed. This is because the circumstances in the Hereafter and Heaven cannot be expressed with our earthly measures. In fact, it is written in al-Bidayah that “Mizan (scale) is a device used for weighing the amount of deeds and it cannot be perceived by human logic. It is impossible to liken it to the scales on earth. In this issue, it is safer to submit to narrations (i.e. the Quran and axioms in hadiths)”.

Then, it is certain that Allah will weigh the deeds. He will weigh people’s good deeds and sins with a scale details of which we do not know and display His great justice. If the good deeds are more than the sins, that person will be amongst the ones who succeed. If vice versa, he/she will deserve punishment. However, Allah can forgive with His mercy anyway. If a person has both belief and sins, he/she will go through punishment first and then go into Heaven, with Allah’s infinite mercy.

However, we understand from some of our Prophet (pbuh)’s hadiths that giving explanations of our deeds will not be easy. It is narrated that he often said “oh Allah, ease my questioning” in his prayers.

We understand from honorable hadiths that one will be in need of Allah’s mercy and forgiveness more than ever on that day and one will be in a difficult situation without Allah’s infinite mercy during questioning.

To summarize, all deeds in books of deeds will be weighed, even with their slightest details and everyone’s balance-sheet of profits and deficits will be figured out and their account will be closed. If a person’s good deeds are more than his/her evil deeds, if his/her profits are more than his/her deficits, he/she will succeed. If vice versa, he/she will lose.

A true believer’s duty is to commit deeds in a way that his/her good deeds will be more than evil deeds and profits will be more than deficits; and to get well-prepared for the Day of Judgment. A true believer must beg Allah saying “Oh, Allah, ease my questioning”.

Our Prophet says that no one will remember anyone in three places on Mahshar (gathering place after resurrection) because of fear and worry.

1. Until one finds out if his/her good deeds weigh heavy on Mizan during weighing process.

2. Until one finds out from whence his/her book of deeds will be given to him/her, from right side, from left side or from behind.

3. While waiting by the Bridge of Sirat when it is built across over Hell (Mansur Ali Nasif, at-Taj, V, 376).

Source: taken from http://www.questionsonislam.com


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